The Surprising Relationship Between Physical Posture and Mental Health

We all know that poor posture can lead to a whole host of physical symptoms, such as chronic neck and back pain, for example. But did you know that your posture directly impacts your mental health, too? Studies have shown that the way we hold our bodies throughout the day can have a notable effect on our mood, stress levels, self-esteem, and even cognitive function. Let’s dive a little deeper.

Mood regulation

You may have noticed that when you’re not feeling great mentally, you tend to adopt more slouched and closed postures. Whilst this may feel like a way to comfort yourself, it has actually been shown that an upright and open posture can lead to a more positive outlook and encourage emotions such as confidence and happiness. This mind-body feedback loop is a way of communicating to your brain that you feel in control, and can even trigger the release of the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine. 

Stress levels

Similarly, poor posture can also contribute to the accumulation of stress. Often associated with things like muscle strain and tension, it can have detrimental effects on our mental health, leading to increased rates of anxiety and depressive thoughts. Conversely, practicing disciplines that focus on postural alignment, such as yoga and tai chi, can have positive effects on mental well-being, and reduce stress levels overall.

Self-esteem and social relationships

Interestingly, the psychological concept known as “embodied cognition” suggests that our body posture can influence our thoughts and feelings. It proposes that maintaining a positive physical stance can contribute to a more positive self-image. Not only does a closed posture convey a lack of confidence outwardly, but it also affects our own self-perception. An upright posture is also a form of body language that can assure others and positively impact interpersonal relationships, which are important for our overall well-being. 

Cognitive function

You might be surprised to know that your posture can even affect the way your brain functions. Firstly, proper posture is associated with increased blood flow to the brain, thus leading to an improved delivery of the nutrients and oxygen required for optimal cognition. It may also influence the neural networks of the brain, enhancing informational processing and connectivity. Research suggests that maintaining a positive posture can improve cognitive performance across a range of factors, including attention, memory, and even problem-solving skills. 

The power of posture is incredible! So if you do one thing for yourself today to improve your well-being, just stop and think about how you are holding yourself, and how it makes you feel. 

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