Maintaining brain balance and function: The role of GABA
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Maintaining brain balance and function: The role of GABA

GABA plays a fundamental role across a broad spectrum of cognitive functions, and unbalanced levels of the chemical have been linked to a whole host of health conditions. In this post, we’re breaking down what exactly GABA is, how it works, and what happens if we don’t have enough of it.

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How Addiction Is a Dysfunction of Your Brain
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

How Addiction Is a Dysfunction of Your Brain

We’ve spoken previously about the structural and functional brain changes associated with alcohol. Today we’re setting our attention on substance abuse as a whole, and what’s happening within the brain when an addiction develops.

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How Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

How Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain

Alcohol consumption has been ingrained in society for millennia, present within many cultural traditions and acting as a common social lubricant. However, the negative health consequences of both regular and excessive intake are undeniable. In this post, we’re detailing the effect that alcohol has on the brain in the immediate, and across a prolonged period.

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The Brain of a Smoker
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

The Brain of a Smoker

We’re all well aware by now of the dangers of smoking when it comes to respiratory and cardiovascular health. However, it also has a profoundly negative impact on the body as a whole, including the health and proper functioning of the brain. Today, we’re going to shed light on what occurs within the brain of a smoker and provide yet more reasons to never take it up, or to kick that habit for good.

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Diet Series – Is the Keto Diet Brain Healthy?
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Diet Series – Is the Keto Diet Brain Healthy?

In the latest installment in our diet series, we’ll be looking into the greatly debated Ketogenic diet. How does this low-carb, high-fat approach to eating affect the health of our brains, and is it sustainable? Let’s look at the facts.

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Diet Series - How Does the MIND Diet Impact the Brain?
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Diet Series - How Does the MIND Diet Impact the Brain?

We’ve previously spoken about the colorful and highly regarded Mediterranean diet[KJMR1] . Today we’re taking a step further and investigating the MIND diet. The MIND diet is specifically designed for optimal brain function and stands for “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurogenerative Delay.” Let’s find out what it involves and why it’s beneficial for the brain.

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Diet Series - How Healthy is the Mediterranean Diet for the Brain?
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Diet Series - How Healthy is the Mediterranean Diet for the Brain?

The Mediterranean diet has garnered significant attention for its health benefits, with our friends over in Italy, Spain, Greece, and France often shown to have longer lifespans, and indeed, a better overall quality of life than many other nations. Today we’re going a step further and zeroing in on the impact that this particular diet has on our brains. So, let’s get started.

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The Physical and Practical Differences Between the Male and Female Brain
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

The Physical and Practical Differences Between the Male and Female Brain

Every one of us has a unique brain anatomy that is shaped by a myriad of internal and external factors. However, in general, female and male brains have some key differences in both a structural and a functional sense. Today, we’re delving into what those differences are, and how they affect us.

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The Sunshine Spice: Saffron and Your Brain
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

The Sunshine Spice: Saffron and Your Brain

Saffron is a delicate spice known for its rich scarlet color and nuanced flavor profile. It has been used within culinary, beauty, and indeed, medicinal applications in various cultures for centuries. More recently, increasing bodies of research have indicated that the revered crimson spice strands show promise in providing a range of benefits for the brain. For example, studies have suggested that saffron has neuroprotective properties, noticeably improving cognitive function and mood. Let’s find out how.

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Why you Should Pick up a New Instrument no Matter Your Age
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Why you Should Pick up a New Instrument no Matter Your Age

Learning new things. It’s one of the best ways to enrich our lives and promote better brain health at all ages. All new learning is great, but studies have shown that practicing things like language learning and learning to play a new instrument are specifically beneficial.  Picking up a new instrument has been shown to cause structural changes within the brain, thus improving memory, mood, and cognitive function. Let’s break it down…

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The Link Between Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Decline
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

The Link Between Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Decline

Ever heard the saying, “What’s good for your heart is good for your brain?” Well, as sayings go, this one actually contains a great deal of truth. In fact, there is an intricate relationship between the health of our hearts and the health of our brains. Today’s post is going to explore the impact of cardiovascular disease on the brain and offer simple tips and lifestyle changes that can help to keep the heart, and therefore the brain, in excellent condition.

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How Playing Ping Pong Keeps Your Brain Young
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

How Playing Ping Pong Keeps Your Brain Young

In this post, we’re revealing the impressive brain health impact of the seemingly simple game of table tennis. Ping pong is an ever-popular sport played internationally, which is often cited as a great way of improving physical fitness - and having fun! However, it requires expert concentration and skill, and has been shown to have a myriad of brain-boosting benefits. Let’s explore.

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How Movement is Medicine for the Mind
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

How Movement is Medicine for the Mind

We all know that dancing is a fun way to get some valuable physical activity in. But it’s also of great benefit to the brain, improving cognitive function, mental health, and more, and is even used as a form of therapy. Today, we’re discussing the multitude of ways in which moving to the rhythm can keep your brain in tip-top shape throughout your life.

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Are you Climbing the Never-Ending Hedonic Treadmill?
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Are you Climbing the Never-Ending Hedonic Treadmill?

Remember a time when you were daydreaming about how happy you’d be when you moved to a new area or bought that thing you’d been saving up for? And then it happened. And you did experience a burst of joy and excitement. But perhaps not for as long as you had anticipated. This phenomenon is what’s known as hedonic adaptation. It describes the cycle of returning to a steady, baseline level of happiness after some such positive, or indeed negative, event. Let’s take a closer look at how this works.

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How Meditation can Improve Your Brain Health in Minutes
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

How Meditation can Improve Your Brain Health in Minutes

Meditation is an ancient tradition that has been practiced across the globe for centuries, and for good reason. It is often referred to as a type of mindfulness study, involving focusing the mind and attention within the present moment. There is a wide range of meditation techniques and processes, including visualization and mindful breathing. In recent times, research has offered new insights into how meditation affects our brains on a structural, functional, and cognitive level. Let’s take a look at what it says.

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Calm and Sharpen Your Mind by Embracing the Power of Nature
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Calm and Sharpen Your Mind by Embracing the Power of Nature

Carving out time in our daily lives to immerse ourselves in nature can be hugely beneficial. It can improve our physical health by helping us to become more active. It can promote interactions with others, and allow us to indulge in some much-needed rest and relaxation within an increasingly chaotic world. But what does it do to our brains? Well, research has shown that being in nature can noticeably improve our cognition and our mental health outcomes.

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Video Games Impact on Memory, IQ, and Overall Brain Function
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Video Games Impact on Memory, IQ, and Overall Brain Function

Video games have certainly got a bad rap over the past few decades. They’ve been accused of everything from impacting our mental and physical well-being and social skills, and even inciting violent tendencies. But what is the reality behind these claims? Well, like a lot of things, moderation is key.

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The Healing Power of Music
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

The Healing Power of Music

A lot of us can’t imagine life without a soundtrack. It can uplift us and help us connect to one another. But what exactly is happening in your brain when you listen to your favorite tunes?

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Language Learning: One of The Best Things You Can do For Your Brain
Yelena Gidenko, PhD Yelena Gidenko, PhD

Language Learning: One of The Best Things You Can do For Your Brain

We’ve previously talked about the importance of new learning for keeping your brain in tip-top shape, and today we’re taking that concept a little further. One of the best and most documented ways to stimulate our grey matter and improve the health of our brains is to learn a new language. Let’s find out why.

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